Abhidhamma Researches in Buddhist Psychology – Ven Nyanaponika Thera

The Abhidhamma Pitaka, or the Philosophical Collection, forms the third great section of the Buddhist Pàli Canon (Tipitaka). In its most characteristic parts it is a system of classifications, analytical enumerations and definitions, with no discursive treatment of the subject matter. In particular its two most important books, the Dhammasangaõã and the Paññhàna, have the appearance of huge collections of systematically arranged tabulations, accompanied by definitions of the terms used in the tables. This, one would expect, is a type of literature scarcely likely to gain much popular appreciation.

Yet there is the fact that the Abhidhamma was, and is, highly esteemed and even venerated in the countries of Theravàda Buddhism. Two examples taken from the chronicles of Ceylon illustrate that high regard for the Abhidhamma. In the 10th century A.C., on the order of King Kassapa V of Ceylon, the whole Abhidhamma Piñaka was inscribed on gold plates, and the first of these books, the Dhammasangaõã, was set with jewels. When the work was completed, the precious manuscripts were taken in a huge procession to a beautiful monastery and deposited there.


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    • Dishanthi Jayathilleke on June 24, 2011 at 7:27 am
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    I ma very grateful for all the work taken for maintaining this site and for the very useful downloads.
    I have only one question. Are you violating any copyright laws by uploading these books ? ( The BPS books are free so there is no problem there).

    1. All the Dhamma resources in this web site is for FREE. We are not generating money from the web site. This is purely towards DHAMMA DANA.

      Theruwan Saranai !

    • sam on October 29, 2011 at 1:06 am
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    thank you very much from the bottomof heart,

    Boho pin labena danaye anisansa obalata labewa

    theruwan saranayi

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