Life of Mahā-Moggallāna – by Hellmuth Hecker

Homage to him, to that bhikkhu who, Brahma-like, can see in a moment’s flash the thousandfold universe before his eyes; who, master of magic powers, can also see in the flow of time the gods’ arising and their death. – Theragāthā (Verses of the Elders), verse 1181 –

In the discourse about the disciples who excelled in special capacities and qualities (AN 1:13), the Buddha said that Moggallāna was foremost among the Bhikkhus who possessed magical faculties. One day when Moggallāna with some of his disciples walked up and down, the Buddha told his monks that Moggallāna possessed great super normal powers, and so did his pupils; thus beings congregate according to their nature and dispositions (SN 14:15). There were, of course, also other prominent disciples highly skilled in one or the other of the various magical powers.



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  1. Gina Bauer should read this book. An insight into the Buddha’s influence on those who are ready.

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