A Systematic Study of the Majjhima Nikaya – Taught by Ven Bhikkhu Bodhi Thero

“Exploring the Word of the Buddha”
Taught by Bhikkhu Bodhi

This course delves into the direct teachings of the Buddha himself as preserved in some of the oldest records of his discourses. As the themes of the Buddha’s discourses are mutually implicative and closely interwoven, it will not take long for the earnest student to acquire a clear sense of the fundamental framework of the teachings. The student is given a detailed overview of all the major teachings of Early Buddhism, including:

  • Life of the Buddha
  • Fundamental Ethics
  • Meditation and Mind-training
  • Nature of True Wisdom


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    • Karunakar Reddy on October 27, 2011 at 6:13 pm
    • Reply

    It is good to know what Buddha expertineces of mind and body while he was practicing

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