A Life of Inner Quality – Ven Ajaan Mahã Boowa Ñãõasampanno Thero

People often say that the way Buddhism teaches constantly about the suffering of living beings is unpleasant to them and makes them so depressed that they get no joy out of listening to the Dhamma.

They feel as if the sufferings and discontentment being talked about were joining forces with the sufferings and discontentment already inside them, making them despondent and sad. If that weren’t enough, the basic principles of the Buddha’s teaching – the four Noble Truths (ariya sacca)start out with suffering as their primary theme, since that’s what the religion teaches about far more than anything else.

It’s as if the Buddha were driving away the people who, out of fear of suffering, come running to the Dhamma for shelter, so that instead they will run away from the Dhamma inasmuch as they don’t want to sit and listen to anyone talking about suffering and discontent.



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  1. I like the way things are coming along.

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