Aids to the Abhidhamma Philosophy

By Dr. C. B. Dharmasena – M.B.B.S. (London)

No enthusiastic follower of the Buddha, nor earnest seeker after the truth, and no student of psychology or philosophy, be he a follower of the Buddha or not, can afford to do without a knowledge of the Abhidhamma philosophy, which has been handed down to us by one who not only attained perfection himself but pointed out to us the path by which we ourselves may obtain permanent release from all suffering. The Buddha has passed on to us not only the knowledge of his philosophy, but also the practical manner by which each one of us may convert that knowledge into understanding, through meditative development along the lines of the “One and only way, the Way of the Fourfold Setting up of Mindfulness”;1 therefore the oftrepeated criticism that Buddhism is only a philosophy and not a religion, is without any foundation whatsoever.


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