Today is Vap Full Moon Poya Day

Out of the Full Moon Poya days, which falls during the Rainy Season, Vap  is of very special significance. This year’s Vap Full Moon Poya falls on Friday 22, October 2010 marks the end of the Vas season – bhikkhus’ three months rain retreat. This is the month for offering new robes (cheewara) to the bhikkhus who observed Vas on the rainy retreat starting from the month of Esala to that of Vap.

Vap Poya also marks the conclusion of the Buddha’s preaching of the Abhidhamma to his mother (Mathru Divya Rajaya) in Thavuthisa heaven and his arrival at Sankassapura.


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    • dkalyanawansa himiyo on September 2, 2012 at 1:07 am
    • Reply

    theruwan saranai…2012.09.02.

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