Within the compass of his vision appeared India

Anagarika Dharmapala

Dharmapala was no longer thinking in terms of his own country and his people alone. Within the compass of his vision appeared India, the birthplace of his faith, Honolulu, Japan, America, Europe and the British Isles. His work in India is undoubtedly the greatest not only because of the results achieved but also because of its significance to the future of the world.When the Anagarika visited India in 1891 for the first time, he found not a single Buddhist in such sacred places as Buddhagaya, Saranath, Kusinara and Lumbini hallowed by the feet of the Blessed One.

Even the name of the Buddha was completely forgotten.The inspiration to work for the revival of Buddhism in India came to him at Buddhagaya. He had gone there as a pilgrim, but when he saw the neglected condition of the place, his sensitive nature brought tears to his eyes. Then and there, he made a vow that he would not leave the place but work for the restoration of as holy a place as Buddhagaya where the Lord Buddha had attained Supreme Wisdom.




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