London Buddhist Vihara: Impetus and Consolidation

Anagarika Dharmapala

In 1933 and 1930 respectively, Dharmapala and Mrs. Foster, together with the Thai ambassador of the day. During October of the same year, the final meeting of the Buddhist Society of Great Britain & Ireland was held, at which the books, magazines and records were formally transferred to the British Mahabodhi Society, thus establishing a spiritual, lineal succession. Shortly afterwards, the earlier Society was officially dissolved. Dharmapala returned to Ceylon for a few months on 30 October for family reasons, but not before appointing his nephew, Daya Hewavitarne, to manage affairs and launching of the Society’s own monthly journal, The British Buddhist.

In 1993, the Founder of the London Buddhist Vihara, the Anagarika Dharmapala passed away in India, aged 68 – exhausted by a lifetime’s service to the Dhamma.


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