London Buddhist Vihara -War Years: 1939-1945

Anagarika Dharmapala

The War Years: 1939-1945

Just as a pan-European Buddhist Movement was taking shape, hostilities commenced in Europe on 1 September 1938, and Buddhist activities everywhere were consequently disrupted. The 13th and final Annual General Meeting of the British Mahabodhi Society was held on 5 November.The premises at 41 Gloucester Road were closed and compulsorily purchased by the municipal authority, although weekly meetings continued to be held in rented halls. Severely damaged by bombing in the summer of 1941, the last links with No. 41 were only severed as late as 1965 when Camden Borough Council sold the building back to the Mahabodhi Society of Ceylon. This transaction was made to offset the cost of the new Vihara in Chiswick, which had already been acquired the previous year upon the expiration of the lease at 10 Ovington Gardens, Knightsbridge.


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