Dependent Origination (Paticca Samuppáda) – Ven Piyadassi Thero

Dependent origination, paticca-samuppáda, is a basic teaching of Buddhism. The doctrine therein being so deep and profound it is not possible within the limited scope of this essay to make an extensive survey of the subject. Based solely on the teaching of the Buddha an attempt is made here to elucidate this doctrine, leaving aside the complex details.Scholars and writers have rendered this term into English in various ways: “dependent origination,” “dependent origination,” “conditioned co-production,” “causal conditioning,” “causal genesis,” “conditioned genesis,” “causal dependencies.” Throughout this essay the term dependent origination is used. Dependent origination is not a discourse for the unintelligent and superficial, nor is it a doctrine to be grasped by speculation and mere logic put forward by hair-splitting disputants. Hear these words of the Buddha:

“Deep, indeed, Ánanda, is this paticca-samuppáda, and deep does it appear. It is through not understanding, through not penetrating this doctrine, that these beings have become entangled like a matted ball of thread, become like muñja grass and rushes, unable to pass beyond the woeful states of existence and saísára, the cycle of existence.


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