Women In Buddhism

In 1983 I was invited to attend an international conference on “Women, Religions, and Social Changes” at Harvard University, U.S.A. At this conference I was given a specific task to write a paper on “The Future of the Bhikkhuni Sangha in Thailand.” Even after years of involvement and commitment on the ordination issue for Buddhist women,still I had not envisioned that changes and channels would be open for women this soon.
To express my appreciation for the upcoming bhikkhuni ordination in Bodh Gaya, India, February 15-22,1998, I am honoured to present to you this booklet. I hope it will provide you with some answers to questions often asked about women and the ordination issue and others.I am grateful to Fo Kuang Shan for making this ordination possible. Significantly, the ordination will be given in Bodh Gaya, a place of enlightenment — enlightenment for both men and women.Prof. Martin Perenchio offered valuable assistance to provide English improvement to the original manuscript.I am thankful to him and to everyone involved in the production of this booklet.


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