Buddhist Attitude Towards Other Religions – Ven.Dr.K Dhammananda

compress_Ven.DhammanandaThe aim of this booklet is to assist in promoting a better undersatanding of Religion, religious tolerance and its deep underlying meaning from the Buddhist point of view and to understand how Buddhism regards other Religions.

The deep underlying meaning of Religion is to be able to uphold and respect one’s own religion without in any being disrespectful or discourteous towards other religions. To this end, we must establish mutual understanding, mutual co-operation and tolerance amongst all co-religionists in order to achieve harmony.



Permanent link to this article: https://www.dhammikaweb.com/?p=3691


    • santos kumar mondal on November 25, 2015 at 6:08 am
    • Reply

    its a fine essay
    I have downloaded the video from utube also.
    thanks for uploading such an excellent works .

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