Buddhist Attitude Towards Women – Ven Dr K Dhammananda Thero

Status of women in Buddhism, Buddhist attitude towards women.

Discrimination against women is a feature common in all societies. Whether in Africa, America, Asia or Europe, the prejudice and obstacles that women have to encounter and surmount seemed almost identical. The peculiar disability attached to women all over the world is based on religious bias. Women’s basic disability originates in religion. Women are depicted as temptress and is warned against in almost all religions of the world.

The Buddha had opened the gates for the full participation of women in the field of religion by making them eligible for admission to what was known as the Bhikkuni Sangha – the Order of Nuns which truly opened to women new avenues of culture and social service and ample opportunities for public life. This had brought them to a recognition of their importance to society and greatly enhanced the status of women.

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