Ven Rerukane Chandawimala Mahanahimi -02

තිපූජ්‍ය රේරුකානේ චන්දවිමල මහනාහිමි ගුණ කථනය


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  1. I like browsing your website because you can constantly bring us fresh and awesome stuff, I think that I should at least say a thank you for your hard work.

    – Henry

    • kumari on March 11, 2012 at 1:36 am
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    Extremely grateful to you for your invaluable attempt to share the true values of Buddhism and to introduce the most venerable theros at present and resent past. 

    • kumari on March 11, 2012 at 1:40 am
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    I am sincerely grateful to you for giving this valuable direction to understand real facts

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