Verasutta – 18.Upāsakavagga, 5 Pañcaka Nipāta Pāḷi, Aṅguttara Nikāya

“Master of the household, it is said of him who has not given up five dangers and hostile actions that he is not virtue , and he reappears in hell . What are these five? The destruction of life , the appropriation of that which has not been given , the misconduct because of sensuality , the false words , and the liquors, fermented beverages and intoxicants that give rise to negligence . Master of the household, it is said of him who has not abandoned these five dangers and hostile actions that he is not virtue , and he reappears in hell .

Pañca, gahapati, bhayāni verāni appahāya ‘dussīlo’ iti vuccati, nirayañca upapajjati. Katamāni pañca? Pāṇātipātaṃ, adinnādānaṃ, kāmesumicchācāraṃ, musāvādaṃ, surāmerayamajjapamādaṭṭhānaṃ—imāni kho, gahapati, pañca bhayāni verāni appahāya ‘dussīlo’ iti vuccati, nirayañca upapajjati.

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