Aggikkhandhopamasuttaṃ(8) – 7 Mahāvaggo, Sattakanipāta, Aṅguttara Nikāya.

 – Comparable to a mass of fire –
 “Bhikkhus, do you see that huge mass of fire?”
“Yes, venerable sir.”
“Bhikkhus, which is more noble, is it to embrace this huge mass of blazing fire, or to embrace the soft tender hands and feet of a warrior, a Brahmin, or a householder maiden and to sit or lie with her?” “Venerable sir, it is more noble to embrace the soft tender hands and feet of a warrior, a Brahmin, or a householder maiden and sit or lie with her. Venerable sir, it is unpleasant to embrace this huge mass of blazing fire and sit or lie with it.”……..
Bhikkhus, if the unvirtuous one with evil things and actions similar to dirt and excreta, with undercover action, a non-recluse, with only a promise for recluseship a non-Brahmin, with only a promise to be a Brahmin, rotten inside and dripping filth embraces the soft tender hands and feet of a warrior, a Brahmin, or a householder maiden and sit or lie with her, it will be for his unpleasantness for a long time, and after death for his loss, decrease and birth in hell….
to read complete sutta  8.AggikkhandhopamasuttaṃComparable to a mass of fire – 7 Mahāvaggo, Sattakanipāta, Aṅguttara Nikāya. 

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