Money Rules for Buddhist Monks and Nuns – by Dhamminda Bhikkhu

Information for Lay Supporters

Money_Monk_You will certainly have noticed that the vast majority of monks do accept and use money. This is one of the factors that will lead to the disappearance of the Buddha′s Teaching.

You can help to keep the Buddha′s Teaching alive by learning how to offer allowable requisites.

Never offer money to bhikkhus, but only offer allowable requisites such as robes, medicine, books,

The rules concerning money are complex to explain but not difficult to practice; all a bhikkhu needs to do is, to refuse to accept money. For those who do keep the rules sincerely they will gain a deeper understanding of Dhamma. They will be able to realize the fruits of the Vinaya which are not found within the letter of the rules, but within the hearts of those who practice it.

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Buddha’s word through Sutta Eg; 41. 1. 10. (10) Maṇicūlaṃ ,Gāmiṇī Saṃyutta, Saḷāyatanavaggo, Samyutta Nikāya 


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    • Atul Salve on August 28, 2016 at 4:12 pm
    • Reply

    if we dont offer money to mOnks then how they will travel from one place to onother place?what if they fallen ill ?

    1. To your question, we can give you simple answer – you think Buddha who has seen past, present & future, did not see this. It is Buddha’s word.

      Now we will discuss why Buddha has rejected this based on our point of views:-

      While it may be a problem or inconvenience, the rules are there to protect and remind the monk about dangerous, unskillful actions.If the monk becomes increasingly involved with money there is a tendency for the whole of his bhikkhu-life to be compromised — and that would be a far greater problem. Soon after the Final Passing Away of the Lord Buddha this sort of question had already become a major controversy and it is now even more complex under modern conditions. However, modern conditions also have brought their own assistance to keeping these rules. For instance, a bhikkhu can be given an air ticket and travel around the world (if need be) without having any money or attendant. He will need to be met at the airport and helped in the normal way, but that should be natural if he has been invited to come by the lay group. (He should not really be travelling otherwise.) And, of course, a monk can use postage stamps and ‘telephone-cards’ that add convenience to communicating — when it is appropriate.

      Eg; 41. 1. 10. (10) Maṇicūlaṃ – The Jewel of the Crown,Gāmiṇī Saṃyutta,Saḷāyatanavaggo,Samyutta Nikāya

      8. “Gāmaṇi, gold, silver and coins are not suitable for the sons of the recluse Gotama They do not beget, earn, or accept gold, silver, and coins. The sons of the recluse Gotama are freed from and have got rid of gold, silver, and coins. Gāmaṇi, to whomever gold, silver, and coins are suitable to him the five strands of sense pleasures are also suitable. Gāmaṇi, if the five strands of sense pleasures are suitable to someone, this should be borne in mind, it is not the ways of recluses, they are not the sons of the recluse Gotama.

      9. “Yet, Gāmaṇi, I say that grass should be sought for whatever grass is needed, firewood should be sought for whatever firewood is needed, a cart should be sought for whatever a cart is needed, a man should be sought for whatever a man is needed, yet Gāmaṇi, I do not say that for any reason gold, silver and coins should be sought and obtained in any way.” Sutta Link

      As Lay people, You can help to keep the Buddha′s Teaching alive by learning how to offer allowable requisites.

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