Pàyàsi Sutta – Digha Nikàya (Volume 2)

compress_Is_there_life_after_death_Reverend Kumara, I maintain that kamma does not have effects. I believe that there is no life after death, no world beyond our own. I think that angels and demons are things from a child’s dream.”

“Your point of view is unique, for I’ve never encountered one who bandied about so. Hmm. I think I should put some questions about this to you. What do you think, Prince? Does the Sun and Moon exist in this world, or apart from it? Are they humans? Or are they some celestial non-human beings?”

“Ahh. Prince, imagine a man who was born without sight. He had never experienced Light and Dark, Blue and Red, Moon and Sun. This man might very well say, “Light and Dark are an unreal thing, they cannot exist, they are the things of a child’s dream.” Or “Color? The very idea is completely beyond the realm of possibility! I am not aware of these things, therefore, they cannot exist.” Would he be correct, Prince?”

“What? No. There is light and darkness in the very room we’re in now. Color exists all around us. Such a man would be incorrect.”

You, Prince, are like that Blind man. The other worlds cannot be seen as you believe, through the physical eye.

It is those Holy men, the ascetics who go into retreat and develop themselves spiritually who gain access to the Purified Eye. This purified eye is stronger than the physical eye……..

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