Ven.Na Uyane Ariyadhamma Thero

නා උයනේ අරියධම්ම මහනාහිමි

The Mahàthera , Venerable Ariyadhamma , was born on the 24 th of April 1939. At the age of seventeen , on the 27 th of March 1957, he received the Going-forth ( Pabbajjà ) as a novice ( sàmanera ) and two years later, on the 15 th of July 195 9, took Higher-ordination ( Upasampadà ) with the Sri Kalyàni Yogàshrama sanstha (a ssociation) , an organized group of Forest Tradition monks.

He was a senior disciple of the Most Venerable Ràjakeeya Pandita Kadavedduve Sri Jinavansa  Mahathero (passed away: 13 th of July 2003), and from him and other senior monks of the Sri Kalyàni Yogàshrama sanstha, including the Most Venerable Ràjakeeya Panditaita Màtara Sri Gnànàràma Mahàthera (the Late Abbot and Meditation Master of Nissaranavanaya Forest Monastery, Meetirigala), received instructions in Pàli, Sanskrit, the Tipitaka (Three fold Buddhist Canon) and the meditation methods taught by the Late Most Venerable Mahàsi Sayadaw,



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    • daham on September 1, 2013 at 8:31 am
    • Reply

    I am very interested in this.obage darma dana kusalaya obata niwan pinisa hetu wewa.Athi Pujya Na uyne ariyadamma himiyanta matu budu bawa ath wewa.Un wahanse ta deergayu wewa.

    • chesika on February 24, 2014 at 10:49 am
    • Reply

    Obawahanseta niwansuwa pinisa obage Darma danamaya pin hethu wasanawewai suhada sithin pathnenemi..  sadu sadu sadu..

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