Kalu Diya Pokuna – Natural Black Water Pond- Mihinthale – Sri Lanka

මිහින්තලේ කලුදිය පොකුණ

Situated at the foot of the western slopes of Mihintale it is the largest of the ponds. Most experts believe that Kaludiya pokuna may probably be the ancient Porodini Pokuna mentioned in the tablets of Mahinda IV.

Kalu-diya pokuna, literally translated means the black water pool. It is said that the name evolved out of respect to the sombre reflections of trees and boulders of the neighboring forests and mountains, and is true to its description at most times of the day.

The complex of well planned buildings around the pond is witness to an advanced hydraulic civilization with artificial moats running through some of the buildings; the bath houses, the toilets within the buildings.

Around the pond are the remains of an arama consisting of a stupa, uposathaghara or poya ge, the building where monks met at regular intervals to perform certain rituals pertaining to their conduct or behavior, cankamana patha, promenade for walking, parivena and pasada, residential cells janta ghara, bath house and vacca kutti lavatory.

A cave dwelling found in a slight depression in the vicinity is noteworthy. Tucked so cozily under a massive overhanging of a boulder, smooth granite slabs and brick are blended together to form the enclosing walls instead of the usual brick and mortar. Some scholars believe that this would have been a the bathing house attached to a bathing pokuna in front, now silted up.

Access to this place is possible from the Kandy main road, almost directly opposite the entrance to the Rajagiri kanda caves.



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