Karma & Paticca-samuppāda – Nibbedika Sutta ,Chakka Nipatha,Mahavaggo,Aïguttara Nikàya

compress_KarmaKarma(Action) focusing towards  paticca-samuppāda (the Law of Dependent Origination) – 

Bhikkhus, I will tell the method of penetrating into the Teaching, listen and attend carefully. Those bhikkhus said. Yes, venerable sir and The Blessed One said: Bhikkhus, what is the method of penetrating into the Teaching?………Bhikkhus,

  1. Enjoyment should be known,
  2. The origin and arising of enjoyment should be known.
  3. The differences of enjoyment should be known.
  4. The results of enjoyment should be known.
  5. The cessation of enjoyment should be known.
  6. The path leading to the cessation of enjoyment should be known
Bhikkhus, what is the origin and arising of enjoyment?…………..
Bhikkhus, what are the differences of enjoyment?………..
Bhikkhus, what are the results of enjoyment?…………
Bhikkhus, what is the cessation of enjoyment?…………





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