Kesi sutta – Aïguttara Nikàya, Chatukka Nipata, Kesivaggo

Kesi, how do you train horses? Venerable sir, I train horses kindly, roughly, and I train horses kindly and roughly. 

Kesi, when the horse to be tamed is not tamed when trained kindly, roughly and also kindly and roughly, what do you do to it?   Venerable sir, when the horse to be tamed is not tamed when trained kindly, roughly and also kindly and roughly, I kill it. What is the reason? May there be no blame for the clan of the master.

Venerable sir, The Blessed One is the incomparable tamer of those to be tamed. How does The Blessed One tame those to be tamed? Kesi, I train those to be tamed kindly, roughly and train them kindly and roughly.

Venerable sir, when those to be tamed are not tamed when trained kindly, roughly and also kindly and roughly, what does The Blessed One do to them? Kesi,  I kill them.

Venerable sir, it is not suitable for The Blessed One to destroy living things, yet The Blessed One says I kill them. Kesi, it’s true, destroying living things is not suitable for the Thus Gone One, if those to be tamed do not tame, when trained kindly, harshly and also kindly and harshly, the Thus Gone One does not think they should be tolerated and advised and wise co-associates in the holy life do not think they should be tolerated and advised. Kesi, it is death in the noble ones’ discipline when the Thus Gone and the wise co-associates in the holy life do not think to tolerate and advise.

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