In advising women about their role in married life, the Buddha appreciated that the peace and harmony of a home rested largely on women’s shoulders. His advice was realistic and practical when he quoted a good number of day-to-day characteristics which a woman should or should not emulate. On diverse occasions, the Buddha counseled that a wife:

(a) should not harbor evil thoughts against her husband;

(b) should not be cruel, harsh or domineering;

(c) should not be a spendthrift but should be economical and live within her means;

(d) should zealously guard and save her husband’s property and hard-earned earnings;

(e) should always be virtuous and chaste in mind and action;

(f) should be faithful and harbor no thought of any adulterous acts;

(g) should be refined in speech and polite in action;

(h) should be kind, industrious and hardworking;

(i) should be thoughtful and compassionate towards her husband and her attitude should equate that of a mother loving and protecting her son;

(j) should be modest and respectful;

(k) should be cool, calm and understanding, serving not only as a wife but also as a friend and adviser to her husband when the need arises.

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