Cow retirement home (It was newly established in Taiwan that specific for cows to retired and well take care.

This is a true story of ❤ love.

The man in the photo was a farmer and he had this cow for 23 years. The photo was taken on the day he is sending her to the cow retirement home (It was newly established in Taiwan that specific for cows to retired and well take care. The cows will not be killed or hurt in retirement home). He cried because he said the cow is like his daughter…

He did not want to let her goes but he is afraid no one will take care the cow after he passed away so he decided to send her to the retirement home.

After cow left her owner, she (cow) will not eat for three day until her owner showed up again…

If you don’t believe in me, please watch the videos and although you might not understand the language, but I am sure you will understand it…

Because love is universal language!

Because love is universal language!
Video 1:
(Translation is under our comment, please read comments for translation for video 1).
Video 2:
(It is about the cow/buffalo will not eat and he is very sad to hear it)
Video 3:
(better image but similar story of video 1)
Video 4:
After 5 days they are apart from each others, he came to visit his cow/buffalo daughter after 5 days because he heard the news she wasn’t eating and he is worry about her. She (cow/buffalo) start eating a lot that day because she hasn’t been eating.

Go Veg! Respect Life! Every veggie meal matters.

(Translation is under our comment, please read comments for translation for video 1).

(It is about the cow/buffalo will not eat and he is very sad to hear it)

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