Top Ten sources Veggie Protein

Tell someone you’re vegetarian, and the first objection you’ll likely get is, “But where do you get your protein?” (Nevermind what kind of shape the person asking is often in.)..,..

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. Arthur Schopenhauer ..But where do you get your protein?
Tell someone you’re vegetarian, and the first objection you’ll likely get is, “But where do you get your protein?” (Nevermind what kind of shape the person asking is often in.)

I personally have not let the protein issue affect me, choosing instead to cook and eat a wide variety of foods and trust that I’ll get enough protein and all of the essential amino acids, and I’ve never felt better. However, if you have any signs of protein deficiency, you should absolutely start making sure you’re getting enough protein in your diet.

For someone who cooks all the time, simply eating a variety of whole foods will likely get you the protein you need. But for someone whose schedule doesn’t allow for much cooking at home, getting enough protein from vegetarian foods (and the right kinds) can be a problem.

My mother is one such case. A few weeks after she became vegetarian, she noticed that something wasn’t right; she didn’t have the energy that she did when she ate meat. Suspecting that the problem was not enough protein, she spent a few weeks researching amino acids and vegetarian protein foods.

This page is the result of such research. If you’re in a similar situation, I hope it helps you out.

A word on protein powders
Since vegetarian protein foods aren’t always easy to get when you’re in a hurry or on the road, adding protein powder to a smoothie can make the task much easier.

My favorite plant-based protein powder is Vega Sport, which combines pea, hemp, and rice protein to achieve a complete amino acid profile. The downside is that it’s expensive, so I often end up using this one instead, which blends proteins from the same sources, along with chia, and is more affordable.

This information was assembled from a bunch of sources. It’s entirely possible that in the research process, some of the information could have been misinterpreted or accidentally altered. Therefore, don’t take it as nutritional advice. Before you make any changes to your diet, confirm the information with other sources, or better yet, talk to your doctor.

Be sure to check out vegan Registered Dietician Matt Ruscigno’s post on vegetarian protein for more information.

A little background
There are 20 amino acids that link together to form peptides. Peptides are then linked together to form proteins. There are thousands of different proteins that carry out a large number of jobs in our bodies. We don’t have to worry about consuming all the proteins- our body makes those. We just need to make sure we have all 20 basic “building blocks” (amino acids). Our body (except with certain illnesses or genetic abnormalities) makes 11 of them from chemicals already present in our body, so we really only need to be concerned about consuming the nine that our body cannot make. The nine amino acids that we need to get from our diet are called “essential amino acids.”

Chemical makeup and the role of amino acids in the body
The molecule of an amino acid is made up of a carboxyl group of atoms (one carbon, two oxygen and one hydrogen), an amine group (one nitrogen and two hydrogen atoms) and a side chain. The side chains consist of a combination of carbon, hydrogen, sulfur, nitrogen and/or oxygen and it’s the configuration of these that differentiates one amino acid from another. The branched-chain amino acids are isoleucine, leucine and valine and these are the amino acids responsible for muscle structure.

The amino acids tyrosine, phenylalanine and tryptophan are the aromatic amino acids, having a side chain with a ring-shaped formation and are necessary for the production of the neurotransmitters serotonin and melatonin. Serotonin is important for healthy and restful sleep as well as elevating and stabilizing mood and in the modulation of human sexuality, appetite, and metabolism. Melatonin is important in the regulation of the circadian rhythms (the interior body clock) and is a powerful antioxidant associated with the protection of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA.

Lysine plays an important role in absorbing and conserving calcium and in the formation of collagen. Too little lysine in the diet can lead to kidney stones and other health related problems including fatigue, nausea, dizziness, loss of appetite, agitation, bloodshot eyes, slow growth, anemia, and reproductive disorders. At risk for a low lysine disorder could be vegetarians who follow a macrobiotic diet and athletes involved in frequent vigorous exercise.

Daily requirements and good non-meat sources of specific amino acids
The requirement for the non-essential amino acids has changed considerably over the last 20 years. The following table lists the recommended daily amounts for adults by the World Health Organization, along with the standard one-letter abbreviation. (Recommended daily intakes for children during their first year can be as much as 150% higher, and 10-20% higher for children three years and older.)

Important: This chart lists the vegetable/nut/legume sources with the highest amounts of the amino acids per a 200 calorie serving. However, this may NOT be the most practical source! For instance, 200 calories of watercress provide an abundance of essential amino acid daily requirements, but having only 4 calories per cup, 200 calories would equate to 50 cups! Or egg whites are a terrific source of essential amino acids, but 200 calories of egg whites mean you would need to eat 11 eggs! Not my way of starting the day. With that in mind, I’ve compiled a list of great, enjoyable food sources to meet the daily requirements, at the end of this page.

Amino acid WHO Mg/ kg body weight WHO Mg/ 55 kg (121 lbs) WHO Mg/ 80 kg (176 lbs) Good dairy/egg sources (per 200 calories) Best vegan sources (per 200 calories)
I Isoleucine 20 1100 1600
Egg whites 2754 mg

Cottage cheese lowfat 2022 mg

Soy protein 2650 mg

Watercress 1691 mg

Chard 1540 mg

Spinach 1322 mg

Sunflower seed flour 1474 mg

Kidney beans 1297 mg

L Leucine 39 2145 3120
Egg whites 4233 mg

Cottage cheese lowfat 3540 mg

Soy protein 4226 mg

Watercress 3017 mg

Alfalfa seeds raw 2322 mg

Kidney beans 2103 mg

Tofu 2500mg

Sesame flour 2307 mg

Sunflower seed flour 2148 mg

K Lysine 30 1650 2400
Egg white 3358 mg

Cream cheese 2859 mg

Cottage cheese lowfat 2784 mg

Soy protein 3319 mg

Watercress 2436 mg

Tofu 2253 mg

M Methionine+ C Cysteine 15 (total) 825 1200
Egg whites 1660 mg

Sesame flour 994 mg

Seaweed spirulina 908 mg

Soy protein 690 mg

F Phenylalanine+ Y Tyrosine 25 (total) 1375 2000
Egg whites 2435 mg

Cottage cheese lowfat 1856 mg

Cottage cheese 1489 mg

Cream cheese 1465 mg

Cheddar cheese 1363 mg

Soy protein 2862 mg

Cottonseed flour 1870 mg

Sesame flour 1596 mg

Kidney beans 1473 mg

Spinach 1428 mg

T Threonine 15 825 1200
Egg white 1942 mg

Watercress 2418 mg

Soy protein 1755 mg

Spinach 1496 mg

Sesame seed flour 1250 mg

Sunflower seed flour 1202 mg

Kidney beans 1230 mg

W Tryptophan 4 220 320
Egg white 673 mg

Mozzarella cheese 399 mg

Cottage cheese lowfat 383 mg

Soy protein 695 mg

Spinach 690 mg

Sesame flour 659 mg

Sunflower seed flour 451

Watercress 544 mg

Turnip greens 400 mg

Broccoli rabe 390 mg

Asparagus 322 mg

Kidney beans 303 mg

Oat bran 280 mg

V Valine 26 1430 2080 Egg white 3371 mg
Soy protein 2554 mg

Watercress 2491 mg

Mushrooms, white 193 mg

Sunflower seed flour 1703 mg

Sesame seed flour 1682 mg

Snow/snap peas 1595 mg

Kidney beans 1503 mg

*Some sources claim histidine to also be an essential amino acid as it is additionally required by infants and growing children. Also, cysteine can usually be synthesized by the human body under normal physiological conditions if a sufficient quantity of methionine is available.

Concerns over soy supplements as the main source of amino acids
If you choose to supplement your diet with whey or soy protein, consider the following: There is a mixed consensus about whether soy contains all of the essential proteins. Some sources claim that it does. Others site that it is not complete- missing methionine, while others report that soybeans are “limiting” in methionine and cysteine.

Methionine assists in breaking down fats and thus prevents build-up of fat in the arteries and liver. Since it is converted to cysteine, it also assists with the removal of heavy metals (including lead) from the body. It’s also a powerful antioxidant, removing free radicals produced in the natural metabolic processes of the body.

But limiting or lacking in even one amino acid can have serious health implications. Muscle and other protein structures could be dismantled to obtain the one amino acid that is missing. Many experts suggest combining soy products with legumes or whole grains to achieve the ideal balance for the body’s requirements. Or, if relying heavily on soy for protein requirements, it would be good to consume foods high in methionine, such as sesame seeds and brazil nuts. Except for spinach, potatoes, or corn, most fruits and vegetables contain little methionine.

Cysteine can usually be made by the human body if a sufficient quantity of methionine is available. Otherwise, cysteine can be found in eggs, milk, whey protein, ricotta, cottage cheese, yogurt, red peppers, garlic, onions, broccoli, brussels sprouts, oats, granola, wheat germ

An interesting note: A heavy dose of cysteine may be useful in preventing or combating some of the negative effects of alcohol, including liver damage and hangover.

Concerns over soy-rich diets
The jury is definitely out as to whether consuming a soy-rich diet is good for you . Many reports indicate that soy’s abundant isoflavones can prevent illness and promote good health. Isofavones are a type of phytoestrogen, a plant hormone that in chemical structure resembles a weak form of human estrogen. The isofavones can compete at estrogen receptor sites, blocking the stronger version produced by the body. Proponents claim that this can reduce the risk of breast and prostate cancer, reduce the risk of heart disease, reduce menopausal symptoms and can slow or reverse osteoporosis.

Other studies present a strong case supporting the dangers of excess soy consumption, claiming that soy products contain:

Phytoestrogens: (isoflavones) genistein and daidzein, which mimic and sometimes block the hormone estrogen (not a positive result as in the studies above)
Phytates: block the body’s uptake of minerals
Enzyme Inhibitors: hinder protein digestion
Hemagglutinin: a clot-promoting substance which causes red blood cells to clump together. These clustered blood cells cannot properly absorb oxygen for distribution to the body’s tissues, and are unable to help in maintaining good cardiac health.
With so much conflicting information, I would be hesitant to rely heavily on soy products or soy-related supplements to satisfy the bulk of my protein requirements.

Best Protein Sources for Vegetarians
I’ve compiled a list of some of the best protein sources within different food groups, comparing what could be considered a normal serving:

Food Amount Calories Protein Notes

Nuts and Seeds

Pumpkin/squash seeds 1 oz, 85 seeds 126 cal 5 gm all aa in proper ratio

Black walnuts 1 oz 173 cal 7 gm low in lysine

Pine nuts 1 oz, 167 kernels 190 cal 4 gm low in lysine

Roasted almonds 1 oz, 22 count 171 cal 6gm low in lysine and methionine

Pistachios 1 oz 49 count 161 cal 6gm all aa in proper ratio

Sunflower seeds 1 oz 166 cal 5 gm low in lysine

Peanuts without shells 1 oz 160 cal 7 gm low in lysine

Cashews 1 oz 18 kernels 164 cal 4 gm all aa in proper ratio

Hemp seeds 2 T 160 cal 11gm all aa in proper ratio

Flax seeds 1 T 100 cal 4 gm

Dairy Products

Ricotta cheese lowfat ½ c 171 cal 14 gm all aa high in lysine

Romano cheese 1 oz 108 cal 9 gm all aa in proper ratio

Cheddar cheese 1 oz 113 cal 7 gm all aa in proper ratio

Provolone cheese 1 oz 98 cal 7 gm all aa high in lysine

Mozzarella 1 oz 71 cal 7 gm all aa high in lysine

Parmesan 1 oz 116 cal 7 gm all aa high in lysine

Gouda cheese 1 oz 100 cal 8 gm all aa high in lysine

Swiss cheese 1 oz 100 cal 8gm all aa high in lysine

Feta cheese ½ c crumbled 200 cal 21 gm all aa

Cottage cheese 2% low fat 1 cup 163 cal 28 gm all aa

Egg 1 whole 77 cal 6 gm all aa

Egg whites 1 whole 16 cal 4 gm all aa

Milk 1 cup 137 cal 10 gm all aa

Yogurt low fat 1 cup 137 cal 14 gm low in tryptophan


Corn yellow canned 2/3 cup 80 cal 3 gm high in lysine

Sun-dried tomatoes ½ cup (1 oz) 72 cal 4 gm lacks 5 aa

Soy beans 1 oz 35 cal 4 gm all aa, but a little low in methionine+cystine, phenylalanine+tyrosine

Peas 2 oz 70 cal 4 gm low in tryptophan

Cowpeas (blackeyes) 2 oz 74 cal 4 gm all aa

Navy beans 4 oz 88 cal 8 gm all aa, low in methionine + cystine

Peas 4 oz 108 cal 8 gm all aa except no trypotophan

Lima beans 4 oz cal 88 cal 5 gm all aa, low in methionine + cystine

Brussel sprouts 1 cup 65 cal 6 gm. low in leucine, lysine, methionine + cystine, phenylalanine + tyrosine

Spinach 1 cup chopped 65 cal 6 gm low in methionine + cystine

Broccoli 1 cup spears 52 cal 6 gm low in methionine + cystine

Potato 1 med with skin 161 cal 4 gm all aa in proper ratio

Asparagus ½ cup 20 cal 2 gm all aa in proper ratio


Apricots dried ½ cup 190 cal 3 gm low in methionine + cystine

Peaches dried ½ cup 185 cal 3 gm low in trptophan and lysine

Cereal, bread, grains and pasta

Oat bran 1 oz 59 cal 5 gm low in lysine

Oats 1 oz 109 cal 5 gm low in lysine

Wheat flour 1 oz 95 cal 4 gm low in lysine

Spaghetti, whole wheat dry 2 oz 198 cal 8 gm low in lysine

Egg noodles dry 2 oz 219 cal 8 gm low in lysine

Buckwheat 1 oz 96 cal 4 gm all aa in proper ratio

Couscous dry 1 oz 105 cal 4 gm low in lysine

Bulgur dry 1 oz 96 cal 3 gm low in lysine

Millet raw 1 oz 106 cal 3 gm low in lysine

Bread, pumpernickel 1 slice 65 cal 2 gm low in lysine

Bread, reduced cal white 1 slice 48 cal 2 gm low in lysine

Rice, brown long grain cooked 1 cup 216 cal 5 gm low in lysine

White rice, cooked 1 cup 194 cal 4 gm low in lysine

Whole wheat bread 1 slice 69 cal 4 gm low in all aa except tryptophan

White bread 1 slice 67 cal 2 gm low in lysine

Oatmeal bread 1 slice 73 cal 2 gm low in lysine

Rye bread 1 slice 83 cal 2 gm low in lysine

Whole wheat pita bread 4” diameter 74 cal 3 gm low in lysine

Pita white enriched 4” diameter 77 cal 3 gm low in lysine

Combination suggestions

If low in lysine- Combine with ricotta, provolone, gouda, mozzarella, parmesan, gruyere, swiss cheese, soy, tuna, salmon

If low in tryptophan- Combine with oat bran, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, black walnuts, sunflower seeds, cashews, pistachios, almonds, cod, lobster, tuna

If low in methionine + cystine, :phenylalanine + tyrosine combine with chestnuts, brazil nuts, halibut, oatmeal, sesame seeds, oat bran, eggs

Sources and more information
Note: Links to Vega and are affiliate links.

I field this question constantly. Despite deeply ingrained but misleading conventional wisdom, the truth is that you can survive without meat, eggs and dairy. Believe it or not, you can actually thrive, and never suffer a protein deficiency. Because no matter how active your lifestyle, a well-rounded whole food plant-based diet provides more than enough protein to satisfy the body’s needs without all the artery-clogging saturated fats that dominate the typical American diet.

I speak from experience. As a vegan endurance athlete, I place a high tax on my body. And yet my plant-based diet has fueled me for years without any negative impact on building lean muscle mass or recovery. In fact, at age 45 I continue to improve and am as fit, healthy, and strong as I have ever been.

Here’s a list of my top-7 plant-based foods high in protein:

1. Quinoa: 11g Protein / Cup

A grain like seed, quinoa is a high protein alternative to rice or pasta, served alone or over vegetables and greens. It provides a good base for a veggie burger and is also a fantastic breakfast cereal when served cold with almond or coconut milk and berries.

2. Lentils: 17.9g Protein / Cup

Delicious, nutritious and super easy to prepare. Trader Joe’s sells them pre-cooked and I’m not afraid to just eat them cold right out of the package for lunch or a snack on the run.

3. Tempeh: 24g Protein / 4 Ounces

A fermented soybean-based food, tempeh is a healthy protein-packed alternative to it’s non-fermented cousin tofu. It makes for a great veggie burger and doubles as a tasty meat alternative to meatballs in pasta, or over brown rice and vegetables.

4. Seitan: 24g Protein / 4 Ounces

An excellent substitute for beef, fish and soy products, one serving provides about 25% of your RDA of protein. But not for those with gluten sensitivities, as it is made from wheat gluten.

5. Beans (Black, Kidney, Mung, Pinto): 12-15g Protein / Cup

I love beans. Great on a veggie burrito, in chili and soups, on salads or over rice with vegetables, beans of all varieties are a daily staple of my diet.

6. Spirulina: 6g Protein / 10 grams

A blue-green algae, spirulina is a highly bioavailable complete protein containing all essential amino acids. At 60% protein (the highest of any natural food), it’s a plant-based protein powerhouse that finds it way into my Vitamix blends daily.

7. Hemp Seeds: 16g Protein / 3 Tbsp

With a perfect ration of omega-6 and omega-3 EFA’s, hemp seeds are another bioavailable complete protein rivaled only by spirulina. A simple and great addition to a multitude of dishes, from breakfast cereal to salads to smoothies to vegetables and rice.

Source : Paal S. Dinessen.


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