The Teaching of Ven Ajahn Chah

Ven.Ajahn Chah

About Teachings for Monks

ONE OF THE MOST NOTABLE FEATURES of Venerable Ajahn Chah’s  teaching was the emphasis he gave to the Sangha, the monastic order, and its use as a vehicle for Dhamma practice. This is not to deny his unique gift for teaching lay people, which enabled him to communicate brilliantly with people from all walks of life, be they simple farmers or University professors.

But the results he obtained with teaching and creating solid Sangha communities are plainly visible in the many monasteries which grew up around him, both within Thailand and, later,in England, Australia, Europe and elsewhere. Ajahn Chah foresaw the necessity of establishing the Sangha in the West if long-term results were to be realized.
This book is a collection of talks he gave to both laypeople and monks


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Food for the Heart – Ven Ajahn Chah Thero

Ven.Ajahn Chah

This book is a collection of talks he gave to the monastic communities in Thailand. They are exhortations given to the communities of bhikkhus, or Buddhist monks, at his own monastery, Wat Ba Pong, and some of its branches. This fact should be born in mind by the lay reader. These talks are not intended to, and indeed cannot, serve as an introduction to Buddhism and meditation practice. They are monastic teachings, addressed primarily to the lifestyle and problems particular to that situation. A knowledge of the basics of Buddhism on the part of the listener was assumed. Many of the talks will thus seem strange and even daunting to the lay reader, with their emphasis on conformity and renunciation.


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Patthana Maha Prakarana Sannaya Part-2

පට්ඨාන මහා පකරණ සන්නය 2 වන කොටස
අතිපූජ්‍ය රෙරුකානේ චන්දවිමල මහනාහිමි


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Hadamama Wedasatahana

හදමාමා වැඩසටහනශ්‍රී ලංකා ගුවන්විදුලි සංස්ථාව


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What is Karma? -02

Ven.Dr.K Dhammananda


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What is Karma? -01

Ven.Dr.K Dhammananda


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What is Buddhism? -02 (English)

Ven.Dr.K Dhammananda


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What is Buddhism -01 (English)

Ven.Dr.K Dhammananda


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Origin of The World -02

Ven.Dr.K Dhammananda


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Origin of The World -01

Ven.Dr.K Dhammananda


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