Karma Vibagaya – Ven Na Uyane Ariyadhamma Thero

Na_Uyane_Theroකර්ම විභාගය – පූජ්‍ය නා උයනේ අරියධම්ම මහනාහිමි

ලොව බුදුරජානණ්වන්සේ නමකට හැර වෙන කාටවත් තත්වකාරයෙන් ගත නොහැකි අචින්තනීය ධර්මයන් හතරෙන් එකකී කර්ම විෂය. නමුත් මෙම කර්මය කියන එක හසුරුවන ආකාරය අවබෝධ කර ගැනීමෙන් කර්මය ගැන බියක් නොමැතිව තමන්ගේ ජීවිතය සුගතියට, නිවනට පමුනුවා ගන්න පහසු වෙනවා. එම නිසා මේ සම්බන්දව අවබෝධ කර ගැනීම අත්‍යාවශ්‍ය වේ. සැප/දුක් විදිමින් තමා පසුපස සෙවනැල්ලසේ එන එකම ධර්මය කර්මයයි.

සුත්‍ර පිටකයේ සදහන් දොලොස් (12) ආකාරයේ කර්ම විභාගයත්, අභිධර්ම පිටකයේ විභංග ප්‍රකරනයේ, ඥාන විභංගයේ දැක්වෙන දහසය (16) ආකාරයේ කර්ම විභාගයේ සම්පත්ති සතර සහ විපත්ති සතර සම්බන්ධව මනා විග්‍රයක් නාඋයනේ අරියධම්ම මහනාහිමිපානණ්වහන්සේ ඉතාමත් විචිත්‍රව දේශනා කිරීම, අභිධර්ම පිටකය අධ්‍යයනය කිරීමේ ඇති වටිනාකම මොනවට පැහැදිලි වේ. නිර්වානය දක්වා යන ගමනේ සියුම් වූ ධර්ම කොටස් හදුනාගැනීමට අභිධර්මය මොන තරම් දුරට උපකාරී වෙනවාද යන්න මෙම දේශනය හොදින් අසා, අවබෝධ කර ගැනීම තුලින් ඔබට මනාව වැටහෙනු නියතයි.

ධර්මය ගැන ගැඹුරු වැටහීමක් නැති, අභිධර්මය ගැන සැක පහල කරගෙන සිටිනා අයට මෙම කර්මය සම්බන්ධ දේශනය, අභිධර්මයේ ඇති වැදගත් කම වටහා ගැනීමට ප්‍රවේශයක් වේවා! සියල්ලෝ ම ධර්මාවබෝධය ලබත්වා !

අප භාග්‍යවත් අර්හත් සම්මා සම්බුදුරජාණන් වහන්සේගේ ශාසනය බොහෝ කල් පවතීවා !



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Buddha, The Healer – Dr. Ānanda Nimalasuria

The Mind and its Place in Buddhism

Buddhism’s greatest appeal to modern man is its freedom from dogma. Among all leaders of religion, the Buddha alone asked his followers to accept the doctrine if it appealed to their reason and its practice brought them solace. “Do not go upon what has been acquired by repeated hearing; nor upon tradition; nor upon rumour; nor upon what is in a scripture; nor upon surmise; nor upon an axiom; nor upon specious reasoning; nor upon a bias towards a notion that has been pondered over; nor upon another’s seeming ability; nor upon the consideration, “The monk is our teacher.

” Kālāmas, when you yourselves know: “These things are good; these things are not blamable; these things are praised by the wise; undertaken and observed, these things lead to benefit and happiness, enter on and abide in them.” -(Kālāma Sutta)Anguttara Nikaya – Tika Nipata, Mahavaggo



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A Momentous Meeting gives Reel Life to an Extraordinary Monk

An encouer between an artist and Venerable Bhikkhu Sumedha gives rise to a film ‘The Truth is Unbelievable’. Kumudini Hettiarachchi reports…
Bhikkhu Sumedha
Venerable Bhikkhu Sumedha (above)
with friend German Swami Gauribala (below)

Their paths were not meant to cross until twenty days before his passing away, although many were the times she attempted to contact him.

The one and only meeting that did take place “at the right time” in a bare and humble cave up in the hills of Getambe in 2006, lasted from dawn to dusk, though he was very feeble and frail having had no solids for three weeks and no water for 10 days because “he had a problem with his throat and lungs and found it difficult to swallow”.

Venerable Bhikkhu Sumedha: From a worldly life to following the footsteps of Lord Buddha
The Bhikkhu’s altar installation with skeleton

That single defining moment has yielded not only a very moving exhibition but also a meaningful film for posterity. As Sri Lanka celebrates the thrice-blessed day of the birth, attainment of enlightenment and passing away of Lord Buddha, audiences here will be able to witness not only the life and times of a man who cast aside worldly pleasures to follow in the footsteps of the Master but also messages and links between Buddhism and the modern world.

‘The Truth is Unbelievable’ is the result of that one and only “encounter of a different kind” between Venerable Bhikkhu Sumedha and dynamic Argentinian painter Cora de Lang.

Bhikkhu Sumedha passed away when he was 75 years old. His body had been ravaged by cancers that he had overcome but when I met him he was after a bad bout of pneumonia, says Cora who is in Sri Lanka with husband Richard Lang, the Director of the German Cultural Centre. Cora had got to know of Bhikkhu Sumedha through Richard who had to read up about important and interesting people when he took up a new posting.

“The first connection came when we saw a catalogue of the paintings of Bhikkhu Sumedha which had been put out by Deutsche Bank,” says Cora, explaining that Richard had pointed out the similarities between those paintings and hers.

Soon after, when she was in Kandy on a painting trip she tried to contact him but was not able to meet him, for he was in hospital.

However, later she had got an address and a phone number for his humble abode, Manapa Dassana Lena, hidden away from the madding crowds up 108 steps, in Dulwela village close to the Getambe Temple from Ven. Metta Vihari whom they were in contact with.

Richard, however, had gone to the cave earlier to invite Bhikkhu Sumedha to a conference and also to exhibit his paintings on the theme ‘Buddhism in Art’ during the 50th anniversary celebrations of the German Cultural Centre.

The monk while explaining that he was just a hermit had declined to attend the conference but agreed to the exhibition as he was “trying to paint the Dhamma”.

Painting for Bhikkhu Sumedha was a form of meditation, says Cora. “It was a spiritual exercise. He sacrificed his art to Lord Buddha.”

He indulged in some “incredible works where you could actually go inside the paintings” and did sell some of his works, while also giving away many to friends and relatives, but Cora believes that as an ardent follower of the Buddha he did not handle cash. He had made arrangements for the funds to go to charities and to develop the Intensive Care Unit of the Peradeniya Hospital.

Although he agreed to be part of the exhibition to be held in August 2007, he clarified one small detail. “I will participate but I won’t be there,” he told Richard, who couldn’t believe his ears.

Soon after, Cora had an exhibition in 2006 at Barefoot and it was then that Bhikkhu Sumedha, even though he had never met her, laid down a small condition, sending an e-mail to Richard asking whether she would agree to be the curator of his exhibition. She was surprised — it was a very Buddhist thing. Could she handle it? Why did he pick her? She was assailed by doubts.

The exhibition was held in the meditation room of the Sambodhi Viharaya in Colombo 7, but he had passed away by that time, recalls Cora. If certain things were not meant to be they were not meant to be, she says adding that it was as if he was guiding the whole thing. She cites the example of a huge table that couldn’t be taken out of the room. Wracking her brains how to deal with it she had decided to cover it with white cloth, bought metres of it and hired a tailor to stitch it up. The day before the exhibition when they attempted to fit the cloth, it just would not. Desperate she wondered what to do when an idea crossed her mind – why not use his robes and “that was perfect”.

Cora reveals how Bhikkhu Sumedha who was Aja Iskander, a good artist back home, across the seas, in Switzerland came to don the robes of a monk in Sri Lanka forfeiting all worldly comforts and living in a wet and insect-filled cave. Born to a German mother and Egyptian father, Aja had lived a comfortable life with his mother in Switzerland, after his parents separated. “He held a German passport but never lived in Germany,” she says.

Life took its usual course for Aja – he married twice, had children. “He was very fond of his grand-daughter,” says Cora explaining that many were the visits they paid him in the cave.

Suddenly, as young people do, he decided to travel the world and came to Sri Lanka. Getting into the whirl of Colombo’s social circuit, it was at a party that something happened and he decided, “that life was over”. He went to Kataragama, thinking he would become a Swami and lived in a cave there, only to realize that the only path for him was the path of the Buddha.

Richard and Cora listen to Ven. Sumedha in his cave

Bhikkhu Sumedha was in touch with Ven. Nyanaponika – who was the editor of the Buddhist Publication Society – in Kandy and it was he who invited him to the Manapa Dassana Lena, earlier occupied by a German bhikkhuni. That was where he lived for 26 long years until his passing away.

The one and only meeting Cora had with Bhikkhu Sumedha is vivid in her mind. She was painting in Galle when Richard called her and said that he had received a message that the monk who was very ill had left hospital saying that he had certain things to do.

Richard felt it was time to see him as Bhikkhu Sumedha had contacted him and said that the time was close. She came back home to Colombo from Galle and early next morning it was that they journeyed along with Ven. Metta Vihari to Dulwela. Having heard before that he was averse to being filmed, she just grabbed a not-so-sophisticated camera, more for taping his voice.

As they climbed the 108 steps, others had beaten them to it. A crowd had gathered, bringing with them small offerings such as king coconuts. Two nurses were also there, one weeping softly.

“He was very kind to simple people and helped the villagers, attending to their wounds,” says Cora.

One of the Bhikkhu’s paintings

The moment they entered, he started speaking. “He was expecting us,” says Cora, explaining that he was sitting on his bed and in one corner of the cave there was a skeleton moving gingerly. When she gestured carefully that she would like to tape what he was saying he gave a sign that it was okay.

The simple cave seemed like a message……there was a bronze statue with the words scribbled on a piece of paper, “DNR” indicating do not resuscitate. Art installations were scattered everywhere. Even a small toilet constructed by Jagath Wijesiri who was by his side until the very end, had been turned into a work of art.

“He saw in advance his death,” says Cora who felt as if she was part of the process of accepting her own father’s death.

For 12 long hours he spoke, “heavy matter – non-stop”, while they filmed and wondered how this frail monk could hold forth like this. “First part was more for us and the second a kind of message to the world,” she says…..lot of material, speaking in German, English, Sinhala, Pali et al.

He spoke of modern things – parallel worlds, the modern world with Internet and the teachings of the Buddha. He was full of energy – sometimes provocative, also providing his own answers because he had experienced it all, marriage, kids, love, hate, separation.

As the evening shadows lengthened, they sensed he was tiring out and bade him goodbye, with the hope that they would see him again. But as they went down the steps, his voice rang out and still she hears the echoes in her mind ……..“Remember, remember, everything is anichcha (impermanent)”.

It was his final goodbye.

Cora knows of a wish Bhikkhu Sumedha had. He wished to be known as that “Sri Lankan monk” and not a German monk, truly reflecting his love for this land.

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Buddha’s Constant Companion – Ven Ananda

by Ven. Weragoda Sarada Maha Thero

In this life of the Buddha’s personal attendant, Venerable Ananda, we see that in his character and outlook, Ananda was touchingly and movingly human. This was partly because of his simple and charming behaviour, and his ever-present readiness to help anyone who was in distress or difficulty. In spite of his administrative and organisational responsibilities as the Buddha’s attendant, Ananda displayed a deep intellectuality and a profound grasp of abstruse philosophic concepts.


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Hissing But Not Biting – Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso Thero

Hissing But Not Biting

Ajahn Brahm talks about how to be assertive, hissing but not biting, as in the story of the snake.



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A Buddhist Social Ethic for the New Century – Ven Bhikkhu Bodhi Thero

The arrival of a new century is always a time of great ferment and great expectations, and when the new century also marks the dawn of a new millennium our expectations are likely to be especially intense. An inherent optimism makes us think that the new is always bound to be better than the old, that the arrival of the next year or century will inevitably bring our wildest dreams to fulfillment. Unfortunately, however, life is not so simple that the mere ticking of the clock and a change of calendars are enough to undo the knots with which we have tied ourselves up by our rash decisions and ill-considered actions through all the preceding months, years, and decades.



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Colonel Henry Steele Olcott – The Great American Buddhist

OlcotColonel Olcott was an inspiring servant of mankind. He lived in our age and dedicated the later years of his life to Buddhism and the peoples of Asia, particularly those of India and Ceylon. He gave up an affluent life for a simpler and nobler one.

He devoted his energies to working for the benefit of the common people. The services rendered to Asia and particularly to the revival of Buddhist cultures are contributions worthy of an honoured place in the pages of Asian history.

The anniversary of his death is celebrated throughout India and south-east Asia and particularly by the people of Ceylon, who have a special veneration for him. As a demonstration of their gratitude, a large photograph of him hangs in most of the Buddhist schools and colleges which he helped to establish in Ceylon.



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Ruwanweli Maha Saya – Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka

Popularly regarded as the greatest, and certainly the most popular among the Buddhists, of the stupas at Anuradhapura, Ruwanveli Seya, is the pride of the Great Emperor Dutugamunu. Raised in the 2nd century B.C. this dagoba is supposed to have the perfect water bubble shape. Among the many statues in the courtyard there is one that is of a larger-than-life man. This is considered to be the king himself watching his work from a respectable distance.

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මෛත්‍රිය වැඩීමට උපකාරී වන කරුණු කීපයක්

බුදුදහමට අනුව මෛත්‍රීය ප්‍රගුණ කළ තැනැත්තාට අයහපත් ක්‍රියා හෝ ක්‍රෝධ සිතුවිලි සිතෙහි දරා ගැනීමට අවශ්‍ය නොවේ.ඒ හෙයින් ඔවුන් වඩා පහසුවෙන් හා සැහැල්ලුවෙන් වාසය කරති. නින්ද නොයාමේ රෝගයට හා නපුරු සිහින පෙනී‍මට ප්‍රතිකර්මයක් ලෙස ද මෛත්‍රී භාවනාව භාවිතා වේ. මෛත්‍රීයෙන් පිරුණු තැනැත්තෙක් ආශ්‍රය කිරීම පහසු වන අතර ඔහු වටා සිටින්නන්ට ඉන් සතුටක් ලැබේ. මෛත්‍රීය දයාවෙන්, සාමයෙන් හා සතුටෙන් පිරුණු ලෝකයක් බිහිකිරීමට උපකාරී වේ.

මෛත්‍රී භාවනාව ක්‍රෝධයෙන් කැළ‍ඹුනු සිත් සුවපත් කර ගැනීම සඳහා යොදා ගත හැකි ඔසුවකි. මෛත්‍රීය පුහුණු කරගත් කෙනෙකු පහසුවෙන් කේන්තියට පත් නොවන අතර වෛරය ඇතිවුවත් එය පහසුවෙන් යටපත් කර ගනී.

මෛත්‍රීය සතුරු බවින් හා ප්‍රචණ්ඩත්වයෙන් තොර වේ. ඉන් සියළු දෙනාගේම සතුට ප්‍රාර්ථනා කෙරේ. ඉවසීම, අන් අය කෙරෙහි ගෞරවය දැකිවීම හා අන් අය අගය කොට සැලකීම ද මෙහි කොටසක් වේ. මෛත්‍රීය යනු ආත්මාර්ථයෙන් තොරව යමෙකුට දක්වන දයාව ලෙසද පෙන්වා දීමට පුළුවන. එය දෙමාව්පියන් විසින් තම දරුවෙකුට දක්වන ආදරය හා සමානය.මෛත්‍රී භාවනාවේදි සිමාරහිත අයුරින් දයාන්විත හදවතක් ඇති කර ගැනීම සඳහා වු පාඨ පිළිබඳව සිත යොමු කරයි. මෛත්‍රීය හේතුවෙන් සියළු ජීවින් කෙරෙහි කරුණාව හා පරිත්‍යාගශීලිත්වය දක්වන අතර එහි ප්‍රතිඵලයක් ලෙස මෛත්‍රිය වැඩූ තැනැත්තා සියළු සත්වයාගේ සතුටේදි සතුටු විය හැකි තත්වයකට පත් වේ.

ආර්ය කීර්ති කුමාරසේන මහතාගේ ” බ්රහ්මයකු සේ දිවි ගෙවන්නට“යන කෘතියෙන් පිටපත් කරගන්නා ලදී ( මෙම ලිපිය මෙතනින් ලබාගන්න)

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Tripitakye sinhala Parivarthanaya – Ven Medagoda Abeytissa Thero

Maha Maluwa – 22-10-2010

වර්තමානයේ  ත්‍රිපිටකය  සිංහලට පරිවර්තන කිරීමේදී සිදුවී ඇත්තේ අර්ථය විනාශයක් සහ අර්ථ බාල කිරීමකි. මෙය බුදුරජානණ්වහසේ අදහස් කලදේ අර්ථවත් නොවේ. එසේ කිරීම බුදුරජානණ්වහසේගේ ධර්මයට කරන්නාවු අපහාසයක් බවත්, එම පරිවර්තන භාවිතා කරන්නන්ටද සිදුවන්නේ නියම බුද්ධ වචනයේ රසය නොලැබී වෙනත් දෙයක් ලැබීම පමණක් බව ආචාර්‍ය පූජ්‍ය මැදගොඩ අබේතිස්ස හිමියන් දෙවෙනි යුටියුබ් පටයේ අවසාන මිනිත්තු කීපයේදී මැනවින් පැහැදිලි කරයි.







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