Kamma and its Fruit – Ven.Nyanaponika Thero

Ven.Nyanaponika Thero

Kamma—or in its Sanskrit form, karma—is the Buddhist conception of action as a force which shapes and transforms human destiny. Often misunderstood as an occult power or as an inescapable fate, kamma as taught by the Buddha is in actuality nothing other than our own will or volition coming to expression in concrete action. The Buddhist doctrine of kamma thus places ultimate responsibility for human destiny in our own hands. It reveals to us how our ethical choices and actions can become either a cause of pain and bondage or a means to spiritual freedom. In this book, five practising Buddhists, all with modern backgrounds, offer their reflections on the significance of kamma and its relations to ethics, spiritual practise, and philosophical understanding.



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Thai Bhikkhuni – Ven.Dammananda Bhikkhuni

Songdhammakalyani, Nakhonpathom Thailand

Source : http://www.thaibhikkhunis.org/eng/


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Maha Chattaresika Sutta (Sinhala)

Dhamma Discussion


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To Love is to Care & Be Kind

Song for Kids 



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Theravada & Mahayana – Ven. Dr. W. Rahula Thero

Let us discuss a question often asked by many people: What is the difference between Mahayana and Theravada Buddhism? To see things in their proper perspective, let us turn to the history of Buddhism and trace the emergence and development of Mahayana and Theravada Buddhism. The Buddha was born in the 6th Century B.C. After attaining Enlightenment at the age of 35 until his Mahaparinibbana at the age of 80, he spent his life preaching and teaching. He was certainly one of the most energetic man who ever lived: for forty-five years he taught and preached day and night, sleeping for only about 2 hours a day. The Buddha spoke to all kinds of people: kings and princes, Brahmins, farmers, beggars, learned men and ordinary people. His teachings were tailored to the experiences, levels of understanding and mental capacity of his audience. What he taught was called Buddha Vacana, i.e. word of the Buddha. There was nothing called Theravada or Mahayana at that time.


After establishing the Order of monks and nuns, the Buddha laid down certain disciplinary rules called the Vinaya for the guidance of the Order.

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Don’t be Angry

Buddhist song for Kids



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Kohomada Hoda lamayek Wenne (Sinhala)

මඩිහේ පඤ්ඤාසීහ මහනාහිමි
කොහොමද හොද ළමයෙක් වෙන්නේ.

Source: http://sinhalasermons.yolasite.com/


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Phenomena Trees


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Ven.Bhikkhu Bodhi – American Theravada Buddhist Monk

Bhikkhu Bodhi (b. 1944, NYC), born Jeffrey Block, is an American Buddhist Monk ordained in Sri Lanka and currently teaching in the New York/New Jersey area. He was appointed the second president of the Buddhist Publication Society and has edited and authored several publications grounded in the Theravada Buddhist tradition.

In 1944, Block was born in Brooklyn, NY. In 1966, he obtained a B.A. in philosophy from Brooklyn College. In 1972, he obtained a Ph.D. in philosophy from Claremont Graduate School.

In 1967, while still a graduate student, Bodhi was ordained as a novice monk in the Vietnamese Mahayana order. In 1972, after graduation, Bodhi traveled to Sri Lanka where, under Ven. Ananda Maitreya,he received novice ordination and, in 1973, he received full ordination in a Theravada order. In 1984, succeeding co-founder Ven. Nyanaponika Thera. He was appointed editor of the Buddhist Publication Society (in Sri Lanka) in 1984 and its president in 1988. Ven. Bodhi has many important publications to his credit, either as author, translator, or editor, including the Buddha — A Translation of the Majjhima Nikaya (co-translated with Ven. Bhikkhu Nanamoli (1995), The Connected Discourses of the Buddha — a New Translation of the Samyutta Nikaya (2000), and In the Buddha’s Words (2005).

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Within the compass of his vision appeared India

Anagarika Dharmapala

Dharmapala was no longer thinking in terms of his own country and his people alone. Within the compass of his vision appeared India, the birthplace of his faith, Honolulu, Japan, America, Europe and the British Isles. His work in India is undoubtedly the greatest not only because of the results achieved but also because of its significance to the future of the world.When the Anagarika visited India in 1891 for the first time, he found not a single Buddhist in such sacred places as Buddhagaya, Saranath, Kusinara and Lumbini hallowed by the feet of the Blessed One.

Even the name of the Buddha was completely forgotten.The inspiration to work for the revival of Buddhism in India came to him at Buddhagaya. He had gone there as a pilgrim, but when he saw the neglected condition of the place, his sensitive nature brought tears to his eyes. Then and there, he made a vow that he would not leave the place but work for the restoration of as holy a place as Buddhagaya where the Lord Buddha had attained Supreme Wisdom.




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