Pass it on

Buddhist song for kids – Pass it on



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The Path in Harmony – Ven Ajahn Chah Thero

Ven Ajahn Chah
The Path in Harmony

Today I would like to ask you all. ”Are you sure yet, are you certain in your meditation practice?” I ask because these days there are many people teaching meditation, both monks and lay people, and I’m afraid you may be subject to wavering and doubt.

If we understand clearly, we will be able to make the mind peaceful and firm.You should understand the eightfold path as morality, concentration and wisdom. The path comes together as simply this. Our practice is to make this path arise within us.

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Destructive Side of Nature – Mr.David Dale Holmes

compress_tree_Everything breakdown into particles.

Everything falls into dissolution.

Breaks down into particles. Into Emptiness.

Destructive force of a windstorm that can come in  and rip up 100 tress.

Totally destroy a garden which is taken 20 yeas to cultivate similar to a man’s life. 



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Rebirth and Kamma – Ven.Bhikkhu Bodhi Thero

Bhikkhu Bodhi (American) was ordained as a novice monk in the Vietnamese Mahayana order. In 1972, after graduation, Ven Bhikkhu Bodhi traveled to Sri Lanka where, under Ven. Balangoda Ananda Maitreya, he received novice ordination and, in 1973, he received full ordination in a Theravada order.


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Giant Buddha Statue Nears Completion in India

Giant Buddha Statue



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Adaththadana – Dasha Akusal (2-10) – Ven Rerukane Chandawimala Thero

cheatingදශ අකුසලයේ – (2 – 10) අදත්තාදානය

අතිපූජ්‍ය රේරුකානේ චන්දවිමල මහනාහිමි

මහනාහිමියන් විසින් රචිත බෞද්ධයගේ අත්පොත නම් කෘතියෙන් දශ අකුසලය සම්බන්දව පලකර කොටසින් (පිටු අංක 57 සිට 65) පිටපත්කර ඉදිරිපත් කරනලදී. දස අකුසල් අතරින් ද දෙවැනි අකුසළය වන අදත්තාදානය ගැන සදහන් ඉතාමත් අගනා විස්තරය උන්වහන්සේට උපහාරයක් පිණිස සහ සියල්ලන්ගේ ධර්මාවබෝධය පිනිස ඉදිරිපත් කරමී. ඉතිරි අකුසල ධර්මය කොටස් වශයෙන් ඉදිරි සති වලදී පලකෙරෙණු ඇත.

සොරකම් කරන්නා මෙලොවදී නින්දා අපහාස ලබයි. සමාජය විසින් ඔහු පිළිකුල් කරයි. ඔහුව ගරහයි. එසේම නීතියෙන් දඬුවම් ලබයි. පරලොවදී සතර අපායේ උපදී. ආත්මවලදී දුගී දුප්පත්ව උපදී. දහම් දැනුම ලැබ ගුණ දහම් වලින් සන්නද්ධ වූ දැහැමි ආකල්පයන්ගෙන් පිරිපුන් තැනැත්තා අදත්තාදානයෙන් වළකී.

ඉහත පිටු කීපය කියවීමට


බෞද්ධයගේ අත්පොත (සම්පූර්ණ පොත) මෙම වෙබ් අඩවියෙන් ලබාගත හැකිය. Download


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London Buddhist Vihara -War Years: 1939-1945

Anagarika Dharmapala

The War Years: 1939-1945

Just as a pan-European Buddhist Movement was taking shape, hostilities commenced in Europe on 1 September 1938, and Buddhist activities everywhere were consequently disrupted. The 13th and final Annual General Meeting of the British Mahabodhi Society was held on 5 November.The premises at 41 Gloucester Road were closed and compulsorily purchased by the municipal authority, although weekly meetings continued to be held in rented halls. Severely damaged by bombing in the summer of 1941, the last links with No. 41 were only severed as late as 1965 when Camden Borough Council sold the building back to the Mahabodhi Society of Ceylon. This transaction was made to offset the cost of the new Vihara in Chiswick, which had already been acquired the previous year upon the expiration of the lease at 10 Ovington Gardens, Knightsbridge.


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විශ්ව සියපත – Cosmic Lotus (Sinhala)

Source: Facebook -G Dilhani Samaraweera

විශ්ව සියපත Cosmic Lotus -part 1


විශ්ව සියපත Cosmic Lotus -part 2


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Buddhist Attitude Towards Women – Ven Dr K Dhammananda Thero

Status of women in Buddhism, Buddhist attitude towards women.

Discrimination against women is a feature common in all societies. Whether in Africa, America, Asia or Europe, the prejudice and obstacles that women have to encounter and surmount seemed almost identical. The peculiar disability attached to women all over the world is based on religious bias. Women’s basic disability originates in religion. Women are depicted as temptress and is warned against in almost all religions of the world.

The Buddha had opened the gates for the full participation of women in the field of religion by making them eligible for admission to what was known as the Bhikkuni Sangha – the Order of Nuns which truly opened to women new avenues of culture and social service and ample opportunities for public life. This had brought them to a recognition of their importance to society and greatly enhanced the status of women.

Part -01


Part -02



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Buddhist Song for Kids -Compassion



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