Everyman’s Ethic – Ven Naradha Thero

The Layman’s Code of Discipline

Sigala was the son of a Buddhist family residing at Rajagaha. His parents were devout followers of the Buddha, but the son was indifferent to religion. The pious father and mother could not by any means persuade their son to accompany them to visit the Buddha or his disciples and hear the noble Doctrine.

The son thought it practically useless to pay visits to the Sangha, as such visits may entail material loss. He was only concerned with material prosperity; to him spiritual progress was to no avail.

Constantly he would say to his father: “I will have nothing to do with monks. Paying homage to them would make my back ache and my knees stiff.


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Having your Cake – Ven.Ajhan Brahmavamso

Ven.Ajhan Brahmavamso


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It is Great to Give

Buddhist song for Kids



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Nourishing the Dhamma Seed

Anagarika Tevijjo

Speaking about the trees, mind towards pure consciousness



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Metta The Philosophy & Practice of Universal Love

Ven. Acharya Buddharakkhita

The Pali word metta is a multi-significant term meaning loving-kindness, friendliness, goodwill, benevolence, fellowship, amity, concord, inoffensiveness and non-violence. The Pali commentators define metta as the strong wish for the welfare and happiness of others (parahitáparasukhákamana). Essentially metta is an altruistic attitude of love and friendliness as distinguished from mere amiability based on self-interest.  True metta is devoid of self-interest. It evokes within a warm-hearted feeling of fellowship, sympathy and love, which grows boundless with practice and overcomes all social, religious, racial, political and economic barriers.

Metta is indeed a universal, unselfish and all-embracing love. Metta makes one a pure font of well-being and safety for others.

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Meditation – Ven.Bhikkhu Bodhi Thero

Bhikkhu Bodhi (American) was ordained as a novice monk in the Vietnamese Mahayana order. In 1972, after graduation, Ven Bhikkhu Bodhi traveled to Sri Lanka where, under Ven. Balangoda Ananda Maitreya, he received novice ordination and, in 1973, he received full ordination in a Theravada order.

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Guide Through The Abhidhamma Pitaka – Ven.Nyanatiloka Mahathera

This book contains an outline or synopsis of the seven books of the advanced analytical collection of the Pali Canon, the Abhidhamma Piþaka. Each of the seven books of this collection is introduced and then systematically summarised by the renowned German scholar-monk Ñanatiloka Mahathera. The principal aim of this book is to clarify the structure of the Abhidhamma works, most of which are quite large and complex, and thus aid the study of them. As a further aid, tables to clarify the factors of consciousness, etc, have been included as an appendix.

This book is indispensable for students of Abhidhamma as well as for those who wish to get an introduction to and overview of the Abhidhamma Piþaka.



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Plant Form Cycle

What is the flower? What is the Reality?


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Dhammas Relative Arising Phenomena-1 – Anagarika_Tevijjo

Most modern-day philosophers and scientists would be reluctant to accept that the Buddha and his followers (both in the Buddhist era and in later commentaries) had explained and clarified the causal dependent arising of all conditioned phenomena, for the simple reason that the cause and effect explanations and relations outlined in the Abhidhamma wholly transcend the logical and rational capacity of the methodology of modern science.

In this compendium of related-articles on the dhammas and arising phenomena, we shall be quoting from a number of erudite authors and scholars who will break-down and discuss the ultimate paradox of seemingly permanent and fixed phenomena being fleeting accumulations of miniscule dhammas ─ which are instantaneously coming-together in momentarily arising phenomena which, at the very same time, are irrevocably (and irreplaceably) falling apart and
disappearing once again.




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Nature and Self – Anagarika Tevijjo

CaptureEvery things based upon Earth, Air, Fire & Water



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