Sense of Community and Friendship – Ven.Ajhan Brahmavamso

Ven.Ajhan Brahmavamso


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A Personal Appreciation

Ven.Balangoda Ananda Maitre Mahanayaka

Venerable Balangoda Ananda Maitreya was one of the great personalities of Theravada Buddhism in the twentieth century, and it is testimony to his vast store of past merits that his life span stretched clear across this century from its beginning almost to its end. In the course of his exemplary life this outstanding Mahathera has held some of the most prestigious academic and ecclesiastical posts in the country.

In this early stage of my monk’s life I faced considerable confusion trying to find the proper key to understand the Dhamma correctly. Western interpreters of Buddhism are often prone to invent their own versions of the Buddha’s teachings, which they then hail as the sole valid interpretation of the Dhamma. Without a reliable guide it is easy to get lost in the jungles of speculation and opinion, littered with the landmines of pride, contention, and conceit. During this period the Mahanayaka Thera always reminded me of the importance of relying on the Theravada commentarial tradition in order to understand the Pali Dhamma correctly.

by Ven.Bhikkhu Bodhi


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The Path to Arahathship

Ven.Acariya Maha Boowa – Thailand


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A Spiritual Biography of Ven.Acariya Mun Thero

compress_CaptureVen Acariya Mun Thero is a towering figure in contemporary Thai Buddhism. He was widely revered during his lifetime for the extraordinary courage and determination he displayed in practicing the ascetic way of life and for his uncompromising strictness in teaching his many disciples. 

the Venerable Ãcariya Mun Bhýridatta a Thera was a vipassanã meditation master of the highest caliber of this present age; one who is truly worthy of the eminent praise and admiration accorded to him by his close disciples

The epitome of a wandering monk intent on renunciation and solitude, he assumed an exalted status in Buddhist circles, his life and teachings becoming synonymous with the Buddha’s noble quest for self-transformation.



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Ven.Acariya Mun – Thailand


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Ven Rerukane Chandawimala Mahanahimi -02

තිපූජ්‍ය රේරුකානේ චන්දවිමල මහනාහිමි ගුණ කථනය


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Ven Rerukane Chandawimala Mahanahimi

අතිපූජ්‍ය රේරුකානේ චන්දවිමල මහනාහිමි


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Unusual Questions

Ven.Acariya Mun – Thailand
Unusual Questions, Enlightening Answers


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Ape Urumaya

නාරද මහනාහිමි
අපේ උරුමය


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What Is Abhidharma – Ven Narada Thero

නාරද මහනාහිමි
අභිධර්මය යනු කුමක්ද?


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