Category: Tipitaka

Mahāpuṇṇama sutta (1. 9), Uparipaṇṇāsapāḷi, 1.Devadahavaggo,MajjhimanikāyaIII

“Venerable sir, what is an explanation for the masses?” “Bhikkhu, all matter, coarse or fine, internal or external, in the past, future and the present, inferior or superior, far or near, that is the mass of matter. All feelings, coarse or fine, internal or external, in the past, future and the present, inferior or superior, …

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Poṭṭhapāda Sutta – Sīlakkhandhavaggapāḷi, Dīghanikāya

Sir, on several occasions, when various teachers, Samaṇas and Brahmans, had met together, and were seated in the debating hall, the talk fell on trance, and the question was: [180] “How then, Sirs, is the cessation of consciousness brought about?” ‘Now on that some said thus: “Ideas come to a man without a reason and without …

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Poṭṭhapāda Sutta – Sīlakkhandhavaggapāḷi, Dīghanikāya

9.පොට්ඨපාදසුත්තං – – සීලක්ඛන්ධවග්ගපාළි, දීඝනිකාය. ස්වාමීනි, පසුගිය දවස්වල ‘මෙතෙම කුමක් කියාද මේ තෙම කුමක් කියාදැ’යි අසනු කැමති කථා පවත්නා බැවින් කොතූහලක නම්වූ ශාලාවක රැස්ව උන්නාවූ නොයෙක් තීර්ථකයන් හා මහණ බමුණන් අතර පින්වත කෙසේ (සංඥා නිරොධය) හැඟීම් නැතිවීම වේදැයි, සංඥා නිරොධ (ඇඟීම නිරුද්ධවීම) පිළිබඳ කථාවක් පහළවිය. පොට්‌ඨපාද පරිභ්‍රාජිකයා කියනවා මෙම ප්‍රශ්නය මතුවුනාම ඇතැම් කෙනෙක් කියනවා හේතුප්‍රත්‍ය කිසිවක් නැතිවයි සඥ්ඥාව පුරුෂයෙක් තුලට ඇතුල් …

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Puttamansa Sutta – 7 Mahā Vagga, Abhisamaya Saṃyutta, Nidānavaggo, Saṃyutta Nikāya

 “Monks, ṭhese four are the supports for the upkeep of the born and for the protection of those to be born. “What four? Hard or soft eatable food is the first, Contact is the second. Cogitation is third and consciousness is the fourth. Monks, the four of these are for the upkeep of the born …

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Vepullapabbataṃ Sutta – Anamatagga Saṃyutta,Saṃyutta Nikāya

Beyond the Three-dimensional world where we live today, there are worlds in which actions are functioning slowly, but our intellect is not wide enough to reveal the connections. But the Buddha’s teaching states that there are wider worlds connected with that phenomena. We only think & justify within the frame of existing knowledge we have. There are …

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Devaduta Sutta – Uparipaṇṇāsapāḷi, 1. Devadahavaggo, Majjhimanikāya

10. Devadūtasuttaṃ – Uparipaṇṇāsapāḷi, 1. Devadahavaggo, Majjhimanikāya  ‘‘Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, dve agārā sadvārā, tattha cakkhumā puriso majjhe ṭhito passeyya manusse gehaṃ pavisantepi nikkhamantepi anucaṅkamantepi anuvicarantepi; evameva kho ahaṃ, bhikkhave, dibbena cakkhunā visuddhena atikkantamānusakena satte passāmi cavamāne upapajjamāne hīne paṇīte suvaṇṇe dubbaṇṇe, sugate duggate yathākammūpage satte pajānāmi… The Blessed One said, “Monks, it’s as if there were …

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The Great Chronicle Of Buddhas (Vol 01-Part 1 & 2)- Ven Mingun Sayadaw

The Great Chronicle Of Buddhas is an impressive work by the Burmese Buddhist munk Mingun Sayadaw (1911-1993). The books contains a combination of instructions, explanations of terms, stories and biographies on the 25 previous Buddhas who had made their appearances through out the various periods of the world cycles. The books where translated into English by a …

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6. Assajisuttaṃ – Saṃyutta Nikāya, Khandhavaggo,1. Khandhasaṃyuttaṃ

6. Assajisuttaṃ– Saṃyutta Nikāya “Venerable sir, venerable Assaji is gravely ill and diseased. 9. Sitting the Blessed One said: “Assaji, are you alright and enduring? Are unpleasant feelings decreasing not increasing? Is the end of decreasing unpleasant feelings that is evident, not the end of increasing unpleasant feelings?”…….. 11. “Assaji, do you have any doubts …

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Sattasåriyasuttaü (Seven suns) – Anguttara Nikaya, Sattakanipàtapali, Mahavaggo

Many hundreds of thousands of years there comes a time when it does not rain. When it does not rain, all seed and vegetation born plants such as medicinal grass, plants trees and forests dry up and wither and are no more. Bhikkhus, thus determinations are impermanent not stable, there is nothing to comfort in …

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Ani Sutta – 20. Opamma-samyutta, Samyutta Nikaya

Staying at Savatthi. “Monks, there once was a time when the Dasarahas had a large drum called ‘Summoner.’ Whenever Summoner was split, the Dasarahas inserted another peg in it, until the time came when Summoner’s original wooden body had disappeared and only a conglomeration of pegs remained. [1] “In the same way, in the course of …

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