Category: Tipitaka

Pàyàsi Sutta – Digha Nikàya (Volume 2)

“Reverend Kumara, I maintain that kamma does not have effects. I believe that there is no life after death, no world beyond our own. I think that angels and demons are things from a child’s dream.” “Your point of view is unique, for I’ve never encountered one who bandied about so. Hmm. I think I …

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Bhaddekarattasutta – Majjhima Nikaya III

Bhaddekarattasutta – Majjhima Nikaya III   Do not recollect the past, nor desire the future.   The past is over,  the future has not come. These things of the present, see them with insight as they arise,  Not faltering and not moved, think about them.Today itself the dispelling should be done.    Tomorrow death might come.   …

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Natum, Geyum, Veyum saha Geehadin Daham deseema Sudusu da?

නැටුම් හෝ ගැයුම්,  වැයුම්  සහ දික් වූ ගීහඬින් දහම් දෙසීම සුදුසු ද? – 5. ඛුද්‌දකවත්‌ථුක්‌ඛන්‌ධකං , චූළවග්‌ගපාළි – විනයපිටකය. මහණෙනි, නැටුම් හෝ ගැයුම් හෝ වැයුම් හෝ දක්නා පිණිස නො යායුතු. යමෙක් යන්නේ නම් දුකුළා ඇවැත් වන්නේ යැ “යි භාග්‍යවතුන් වහන්සේ වදාළ සේක. මහණෙනි, දික් වූ ගීහඬින් දහම් නො ගැයිය යුතු. යමෙක් ගයන්නේ වී නම් ඔහුට දුකුළා ඇවැත් වන්නේ යැ “යි භාග්‍යවතුන් …

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Karma & Paticca-samuppāda – Nibbedika Sutta ,Chakka Nipatha,Mahavaggo,Aïguttara Nikàya

Karma(Action) focusing towards  paticca-samuppāda (the Law of Dependent Origination) –  Bhikkhus, I will tell the method of penetrating into the Teaching, listen and attend carefully. Those bhikkhus said. Yes, venerable sir and The Blessed One said: Bhikkhus, what is the method of penetrating into the Teaching?………Bhikkhus, Enjoyment should be known, The origin and arising of enjoyment should be known. The …

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4. Nidànasuttaü – Aïguttara Nikàya 3. Tika Nipàta 4. Devadåta vaggo

Connection between paticca-samuppāda (the Law of Dependent Origination) & Karma(Action) Bhikkhus, these three are the origins of action. What three? Greed is an origin of action, hate is an origin of action and delusion is an origin of action. Also there are other three are the origins of action. Bhikkhus, these three are the origins of action. …

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Mahàtanhàsankhayasutta (38) – Majjhima Nikàya I 4. 8. (The Major Discourse on the Destruction of Craving)

Bhikkhus, this view of yours so clean and pure, do not covet, fondle, treasure and take pride in it. Do you know this Teaching comparable to a raft, taught for the purpose of giving up and not for the purpose of holding?  Yet bhikkhus, you who know thus and see thus, would your mind run to the …

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Majjhesutta (In the middle) – Aïguttara Nikàya -006. Mahavagga.

He who knows both ends and has no secret plans in the middle, Is a Great Man. He has gone beyond the seamstress.’ Friends, what is one end,what is the second end, what is the middle and who is the seamstress? When this was said a certain elder bhikkhus…….. Six Bhikkhus, have given their explanation …

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Brahma-nimantanika Sutta: The Brahma Invitation – Majjhima Nikaya

Baka, a brahma who believes that his brahma-attainment is the highest attainment (Extracted from Brahma-nimantanika Sutta: The Brahma Invitation , Majjhima Nikaya – Tipitaka This is permanent. This is eternal. This is total. This is not subject to falling away — for here one does not take birth, does not age, does not die, does …

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Dvayatànupassanà Sutta – Khuddaka Nikaya,Suttanipata, Maha Vagga

Dvayatànupassanà Sutta –Twofold Reflections.(2Sutta-Pitaka/5Khuddaka-Nikaya/05Suttanipata/3-maha-vagga) ‘O! bhikkhus, why should you listen to these noble teachings leading to enlightenment, you should reply thus;  ‘It is to know the twofold teaching as it really is’ . How is it twofold: One reflection is, this is unpleasant and this its arising. The other reflection is, This is the cessation …

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Sankha Sutta (The Conch Trumpet) – Samyuktha Kikaya, salayathana vagga

“Nigantha Nataputta teaches the Dhamma to his disciples in this way, lord: ‘All those who take life are destined for a state of deprivation, are destined for hell. All those who steal… All those who indulge in illicit sex… All those who tell lies are destined for a state of deprivation, are destined for hell …

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