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It is Great to Give

Buddhist song for Kids [mp3][/mp3] .

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Metta The Philosophy & Practice of Universal Love

Ven. Acharya Buddharakkhita The Pali word metta is a multi-significant term meaning loving-kindness, friendliness, goodwill, benevolence, fellowship, amity, concord, inoffensiveness and non-violence. The Pali commentators define metta as the strong wish for the welfare and happiness of others (parahitáparasukhákamana). Essentially metta is an altruistic attitude of love and friendliness as distinguished from mere amiability based …

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Meditation – Ven.Bhikkhu Bodhi Thero

Bhikkhu Bodhi (American) was ordained as a novice monk in the Vietnamese Mahayana order. In 1972, after graduation, Ven Bhikkhu Bodhi traveled to Sri Lanka where, under Ven. Balangoda Ananda Maitreya, he received novice ordination and, in 1973, he received full ordination in a Theravada order.

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Guide Through The Abhidhamma Pitaka – Ven.Nyanatiloka Mahathera

This book contains an outline or synopsis of the seven books of the advanced analytical collection of the Pali Canon, the Abhidhamma Piþaka. Each of the seven books of this collection is introduced and then systematically summarised by the renowned German scholar-monk Ñanatiloka Mahathera. The principal aim of this book is to clarify the structure …

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Plant Form Cycle

What is the flower? What is the Reality? [flv][/flv]

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Pass it on

Buddhist song for kids – Pass it on [mp3][/mp3] .

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The Path in Harmony – Ven Ajahn Chah Thero

Ven Ajahn Chah The Path in Harmony Today I would like to ask you all. ”Are you sure yet, are you certain in your meditation practice?” I ask because these days there are many people teaching meditation, both monks and lay people, and I’m afraid you may be subject to wavering and doubt. If we …

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Rebirth and Kamma – Ven.Bhikkhu Bodhi Thero

Bhikkhu Bodhi (American) was ordained as a novice monk in the Vietnamese Mahayana order. In 1972, after graduation, Ven Bhikkhu Bodhi traveled to Sri Lanka where, under Ven. Balangoda Ananda Maitreya, he received novice ordination and, in 1973, he received full ordination in a Theravada order. [mp3][/mp3]

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Giant Buddha Statue Nears Completion in India

Giant Buddha Statue [flv][/flv] .

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London Buddhist Vihara -War Years: 1939-1945

Anagarika Dharmapala The War Years: 1939-1945 Just as a pan-European Buddhist Movement was taking shape, hostilities commenced in Europe on 1 September 1938, and Buddhist activities everywhere were consequently disrupted. The 13th and final Annual General Meeting of the British Mahabodhi Society was held on 5 November.The premises at 41 Gloucester Road were closed and …

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