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විශ්ව සියපත – Cosmic Lotus (Sinhala)

Source: Facebook -G Dilhani Samaraweera විශ්ව සියපත Cosmic Lotus -part 1 [flv][/flv] විශ්ව සියපත Cosmic Lotus -part 2 [flv][/flv]

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Buddhist Attitude Towards Women – Ven Dr K Dhammananda Thero

Status of women in Buddhism, Buddhist attitude towards women. Discrimination against women is a feature common in all societies. Whether in Africa, America, Asia or Europe, the prejudice and obstacles that women have to encounter and surmount seemed almost identical. The peculiar disability attached to women all over the world is based on religious bias. …

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Buddhist Song for Kids -Compassion [mp3][/mp3] .

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Children who have seen Buddha – Radhika Abeysekara

children who have seen the Buddha. One can find them all over the world in … practice of Buddhist values through example. The Buddha was especially tender and caring towards the needs of children. Each morning he examined each of little ones in his Noble Order and ensured that their needs were met.  When one …

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Waterfall Energy

Every thing in Nature is Energy.

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He is Here for you

Buddhist song for kids – He is Here for you [mp3][/mp3] .

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Meditation Centers, Forest Monasteries,in Sri Lanka

Information about Meditation Centers, Forest Monasteries, and other important places in Sri Lanka for Western bhikkhus and serious lay practitioners. In Sri Lanka there are many forest hermitages and meditation centres which can be suitable for western practitioners of Buddhism whether they are monastic or laymen. The following information is particularly for Westernern bhikkhus, or …

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Kamma and its Fruit – Ven.Nyanaponika Thero

Ven.Nyanaponika Thero Kamma—or in its Sanskrit form, karma—is the Buddhist conception of action as a force which shapes and transforms human destiny. Often misunderstood as an occult power or as an inescapable fate, kamma as taught by the Buddha is in actuality nothing other than our own will or volition coming to expression in concrete …

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Thai Bhikkhuni – Ven.Dammananda Bhikkhuni

Songdhammakalyani, Nakhonpathom Thailand Source : [flv][/flv]

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Maha Chattaresika Sutta (Sinhala)

Dhamma Discussion [mp3][/mp3]

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